What is a vacuum chamber?
It is an enclosure in which a low pressure or vacuum environment is created through the removal of air and gases.
What is a feedthrough?
Feedthroughs are electro-mechanical devices that provide leak-proof electrical and pressure connections into a vacuum chamber.What is a hermetic seal on a feedthrough?
It provides an airtight seal against contaminants entering a vacuum chamber. Contaminants can include gases and fluids like moisture, humidity, and chemicals.What processes are used to provide a hermetic seal?
Hermetic seals are generally processed in furnaces under regulated temperatures and pressures. They can be glass-to metal, ceramic-to-metal or epoxy based.What metric is used to assess the hermeticity of a feedthrough?
Feedthroughs generally undergo helium leak checks to establish the helium leak rate, an indicator of the feedthroughs’ vacuum compatibility. Prior to a helium leak check, feedthroughs are visually inspected for cracks, damage and porosity in the seal.What is the NASA ASTM E595 standard?
This standard pertains to epoxies that exhibit low Total Mass Loss and Collected Volatile Condensable Materials during Outgassing in a vacuum environment.For information on vacuum feedthroughs, contact BCE by calling 510-274-1990 or by visiting the BCE website - https://bcemfg.com