Capillary Source Heater Assembly

APCI heater
APCI heater from BCE (Belilove Company-Engineers)
Atmospheric pressure chemical ionization (APCI) a widely used ionization technique in mass spectrometry, is the ability to easily ionize and detect non-polar or slightly polar species.

The APCI heater has a Resistance Temperature Detector (RTD) built into it. The heater assembly has a .016” ID capillary tube in the center of the heater axis. The maximum operating temperature is up to 400°C. This assembly comes complete with the connector plug.

The APCI sample is typically dissolved in a solvent and pumped through a heated capillary. Nitrogen gas is introduced the gaseous solvent is heated up to 400°C the sample is then ionized by corona discharge.

For more information on capillary source heaters, or any custom electric heating element, contact:

21060 Corsair Blvd
Hayward, CA 94545
(510) 274-1990) 274-1990