New! Product Builders for BCE Cartridge Heaters and Mini Clean Flow Heaters

BCE is pleased to introduce two new online product configuration tools that allow you to build an electric cartridge or a fluid heater from a selection of pull-down menus and text field entries.

Cartridge Heater Product Builder
Cartridge Heater Product Builder
(click for larger view)
The BCE "Mini Clean Flow Heater Builder" and the BCE "Cartridge Heater Builder" are easy to use web-based applications that offer users the ability to design a heater specifically for their application.

The user interface consists of an onscreen product drawing which is updated as each element of the design criteria is chosen. Once designed, it provides a finished drawing and allows the user to submit a pricing quotation request to BCE.

Mini Clean Flow Heater Product Builder
Mini Clean Flow Heater Product Builder
(click for larger view)
The product builders are intended to save customers time by providing an easy and convenient way to choose heater options and get a fast, accurate price quote.

For more information, contact BCE. Call them at 510-274-1990 or visit their website at